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Daily Lesson Plan For Science

Date   : 
18 October 2011
Time   : 
11:05a.m –11:35. a.m. (30 minutes)
Class  :
Number of pupil  :
Subject  : 
Learning theme : 
Learning About Living Things
Learning area  :
 3.0 Animals
Learning objectives : 
Pupils should learn what animals need to live.
Learning outcomes  : 
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1.    State the animals need food, water and air to stay alive.
Pre-requisite knowledge :
 Pupils have knowledge about what animals need to stay alive
Science process skills (SPS)  :
 Observing and classifying, communicating                                                       
Thinking skills  : 
Grouping and classifying
Science attitudes & values (SAV): 
Responsible, Being kind-hearted and caring, cooperative, daring to try
Assessment : 
List out the examples of students’ loving pets and what their pets need to stay alive.                   
Teaching & learning resources  : 
Projector, power point, laptop, video, pictures of animals, 4  bottles  of water, 4 word cards of “air”, white board, masks of  animals, marker pens.

1. Orientation
(± 5 min)

Description of the needs of living pets

Teaching and Learning Activities 

1     1. Teacher starts the lesson by requesting pupils to give some examples of their living pets.
2     2. Teacher asks
     How to take care of your pets?
    ( Everyday have to feed them with foods.)
3. Teacher ask
   What do you feed your pets on?
4. Teacher give an examples and asks pupils to answer
   “If you keeping a rabbit, you have to feed your rabbit with?”
5. Teacher reviews that today’s lesson is about what animals need to live.

 Kaedah Pengajaran dan pembelajaran:
  1. Inspire students using questioning technique ( kemahiran menyoal )
  1. Temu bual ( kemahiran mencungkil idea)
Kind-hearted and caring and daring to try

2. Elicitation of ideas
(± 10 min)


The needs of animals to stay alive.

Teaching and Learning Activities 
1         1.  Teacher shows three videos of animals.
-          Cat drinking water from a faucet.
-          Cat eating fish.
-          Cow eating grass.
  1. Teacher asks question.
-          Cat drinking water from a faucet.
-          Cat eating fish.
-          Cow eating grass.
"What can we see from the videos?"
3         3.   Teacher asks some questions.
-          Would all of you give examples except these three videos?
-          What do the animals need to stay alive?
( Food, water and air)

  1. Teacher divides pupils into 2 groups and asks each group to list down the needs of animals to stay alive in the colour paper.
( Food, water and air.)

  1. Each group’s members will be come in front to discuss and show their answer.
The needs of animals to stay alive

  1. Each group will be given one mark if their answers are correct.
  2. If the answer is wrong, teacher asks other pupils come in front to do the correction.
     8. Teacher summarizes the lesson that animals need food, water and air to stay alive.

Projector, laptop, video, whiteboard, marker pens
Observing, communicating, grouping and classifying
Kind-hearted and caring, cooperative, daring to try, responsible
  1. Inspire students using questioning technique ( kemahiran menyoal )
  1. Perbincangan kumpulan ( Kemahiran mencungkil idea

3. Restructuring of ideas
(± 10 min)


Station games of the needs of animals to stay alive

Teaching and Learning Activities 

  1. Teacher arranges games for each person to play characters of different kind of animals and find out their stations.
  2. Teacher prepares three stations in class.( Station food, station water and station air )
  1. Station food is preparing some pictures of different kinds of food, station water is preparing some bottles of water and station air is preparing 4 word cards of “air”.
  2. Teacher explains the instructions of game.
         Instruction of game
  Teacher will give each person of you a mask of animals.
  Before start our games, you have to wear your mask first.
  There got three station in class. ( Station food, station water and station air)
  There got some difficult in station “air”. It is because we can’t see and touch the actual “air”. So, teacher just preparing the wordcards of “air” for  you. Don’t be confuse. 
  According to the animal’s mask, you have to find out the animal’s needs from the three station.

  1. Teacher gives each person a mask of animals.
  2. Teacher asks each person wear their mask before the game start. They have to find out their animals needs from the three stations.
  3. Teacher asks each person to come out in front to show and share their finding. Each person have to play the character of animal according to their animal’s mask. Each person have to read out their finding as below:
I am ____, I needs ____, ______ and _____ to stay alive.
  1. Teacher discusses and checks their findings with the class.
  1.  If the answer is wrong, teacher asks other pupils come in front to do the correction.
  2. Teacher asks questions
a.       What do you think will happen if the animals lost their needs to stay alive?
( They will die.)
b.      What do you think will happen if you do not feed your loving pets and take care of them?
(They will die.)
  1. Teacher encourages pupils to discuss and try to answer the questions.
  2. Teacher guides student to conclude that animals need food, water and air to stay alive.
  3. Teacher give pupils reward if they performed well.


Pictures of animals,, 4 bottles of water,4   wordcards of “air”,4 masks of animals.


 Kind-hearted and caring, daring to try, cooperative.

Kaedah Pengajaran dan pembelajaran:
Inspire students using questioning technique
( kemahiran menyoal )

4. Application of ideas
(± 3 min)

  1. The basic needs of animals to stay alive
  1. Teacher gives pupils worksheets.
  2. After reading the question, pupils answer the question in the worksheets given.
  3. Teacher checks and discuss the answer with pupils.
Discussion of worksheets
1.      What do animals need to stay alive?
Food, water and air.
2.      What will happen if animals lost their needs to stay alive?
They will die.
  1. If the answer of the pupils is different with each other, teacher will request the pupils to explain the reason that he/she chooses the answer.


daring to try

5. Reflection
(± 2 min)

  1. The basic needs of animals to stay alive

  1. Teacher guides pupils to reflect on what they have learned by using a mind map.
  2. All animals need food, water and air to stay alive.
  3. Teacher summarizes the lesson and asks pupils to draw a mind map of the needs of animals to stay alive in their note books.

Exercise books
Daring to try
Kaedah Pengajaran dan pembelajaran:
Peta konsep
( kemahiran mencungkil idea)

